Hooray! You’re ready to book! We are so excited to begin booking your session!
There are a few things we need to take care of first.
Email us: if you haven’t already, please email us (click HERE) to let us know you’re ready to book and share as much of your session vision as you’d like. If you’re not quite sure what you want for your session, that’s okay! We would be happy to help you design a session you will be in love with. We will send you our Client Guide that includes our complete pricing so you can review it before your pre-booking consultation.
Pre-Booking Consultation: we would love to meet with you in person! Let’s pick a date and get together over some coffee or meet at the park…a nice, relaxed place to discuss your vision in detail and go over the other bits of information like availability, session pricing (session pricing begins at $300) and available print packages . (If you can’t meet in person, please let us know and we can still arrange to discuss your vision through other avenues.)
Signed Contract and Reservation Fee: After you determine your session package, the next step is to take care of the legal stuff and secure your session. Please review your contract, fill out anything that needs filled out still, and sign it. Your reservation fee is 30% of your session fee. Remember, while we offer payment plans, your session is NOT secured until your reservation fee is received. We would hate for you to have to pick another day and time for your session, so please make sure you get this step taken care of as soon as possible. We are excited to work with you on your session and can’t wait to get you inked in the books so we can continue with your session vision!
To begin booking your session, email us HERE so we can schedule your pre-booking consultation