Tag Archives: bardstown


Introducing | Homeschool Sessions, Revamped! | Kentuckiana

Last year, we introduced our Homeschool Diaries sessions for homeschooling families. Truth be told, it didn’t work out as well as we hoped…but it’s still very important to us to give homeschool families opportunities to document their homeschool lives. So we’re revamping our homeschool sessions…to give you something that will better serve your families and your homeschooling… Read More

Introducing | Spring 2015 Mini-Sessions | Bardstown Kentucky

We’re back! We took a bit of a hiatus for most of 2014, but now we are back and ready to get back to it! Our first mini-session of 2015 is our Spring Mini-Session. This year, we’re going to have them at one location. This year’s location is Bernheim Forest in Clermont, and there will be two days… Read More

family bardstown welcome center

Flat JoJo Does Bardstown – Welcome to Town | Bardstown Kentucky

We recently had the pleasure of helping someone out with a class project….meet Flat JoJo. She is a buddy of Flat Stanley’s, and she visited us all the way from California. We were so thrilled to share our beautiful town and some of the things that make it home for us. We even shared why… Read More


Why Choose Lifestyle Photography? | Kentucky Lifestyle Photography

You’re having a family picnic and young Jimmy is fishing in the stream with Grandpa. This becomes a yearly family picnic and each year Jimmy and Grandpa fish in the same stream. You take a photo each year of the two of them fishing and enjoying the time together. Years later, after Grandpa has passed… Read More

kentucky photographer lifestyle homeschool session

Sessions | Homeschool Diaries

We are super excited to announce this new session offering! As homeschool parents ourselves, this one is extra special to us. Many parents have chosen the route of homeschooling for a variety of reasons. For us, we started when we lived in Michigan because the school district there was, well, completely terrible. 40+ students to… Read More

Portrait | P & M Anniversary |Clermont Kentucky

This beautiful couple had their session at Bernheim Forest, the place they got married 10 years ago, this past summer. As a way to celebrate their anniversary, Mr and Mrs wanted an anniversary session to celebrate! We were honored to be a part of it! After shooting their session here, we quickly fell in love… Read More